Terms and Conditions
  1. General conditions and their acceptance
  2. These general conditions govern the contract between you (hereinafter 'the client') and Consulnet Strategies and Solutions Spain, S.L. (hereinafter 'the company'), with company ID B85664381 y domicilio en Calle Isabel Colbrand, 6, Planta 5, CP 28050, Madrid, Spain.

    Consulnet Strategies and Solutions Spain, S.L.. is the owner of the trade name ‘AIQuid’ and the domain name 'aiquid.com' (hereinafter, 'the web' or 'the website') regarding information processing services through the use of computer technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence.

    The completion of the Registration through the use of the 'Register' button, attributes the condition of client of the service, and means the express, full and unreserved acceptance of the client of each and every one of the general conditions.

    The mere use of the service means, likewise, the client's acceptance of the regulations, instructions and privacy policy made available to the client by the company, on this same website.

  3. Object
  4. These general conditions regulate the provision of the services offered on the website by the company to the client, as well as the obligations of the client and the conditions of use of the Service.

  5. Description of the service
  6. Through the website, we offer a set of information processing services, through the use of computer technologies such as Artificial Intelligence. This can serve the client for different purposes, from recreational to professional in the user's field of action.

    From the website, you can find the current catalog of services offered by the company, together with its main characteristics, limitations and price. Each of the services can be run independently.

    It is possible that certain services are restricted for the use of certain groups of clients.

  7. Conditions of use of the service

    1. Register
    2. To access the services of the website, the client must register, registering on the website, providing personal and identifying information and accepting these 'Terms and conditions of the website'. Registration for the use of the website is free.

      In the customer registration and acceptance process, if deemed necessary, it may be required to provide a copy of both sides of an identification document.

      The company will proceed to validate the data and documents provided, and if the verifications are favourable, the client will be enabled to purchase the services available on the website.

    3. Means and form of payment. Recharge of the client account.
    4. In order to offer the client a better user experience, we offer different means by which to pay for your purchase. The means of payment available at all times will be shown on the Website, as well as the possible limitations of use of each of them.

      These limitations may be subject to different factors, including but not limited to: prevention of money laundering and financing of terrorism, requirements of the payment method provider, or requests from the user.

      There may be a minimum deposit amount, being warned on the Website.

      The effective provision of services may not begin until the company receives the amount of the payment made.

      The funds deposited in the client's account will be converted into tokens, a virtual currency of our platform, which will be used to pay for the selected AI services. The client will be able to check the current balance of tokens available in his account at any time through our platform. These tokens have no monetary value outside of our platform. The conversion between the amount of your payment and the number of tokens obtained can be consulted at any time on the website.

    5. Execution of the service and form of delivery. Conditions for correct use.
    6. Once the service is selected, the Client will be asked for the necessary information to execute it, including the required data and, in some cases, optional parameters that you can configure.

      It is the responsibility of the Client to provide accurate and complete information to guarantee the correct execution of the service. However, you should not enter personal, sensitive or confidential information in the use of our services.

      The results generated by our system will be displayed on screen only and will not be stored in our system. The client is responsible for copying and moving the resulting information using the clipboard or any other means available on your device. Logging out or closing the browser window will make it impossible to display the result again.

      Artificial Intelligence solutions generate answers based on the patterns and examples you have learned during your training. Therefore, the Client should not consider all answers to be 100% accurate or reliable. The Client must not base its opinions or decisions solely on the output of the model.

    7. Limitations to the presentation of results.
    8. We offer a variety of services that are designed to provide the Client with effective and useful solutions. However, we want to emphasize that we do not tolerate or support the generation of offensive, discriminatory or harmful content.

      Our system is configured to filter and prevent the generation of inappropriate content. If the Client attempts to generate content that is deemed offensive, the system will not provide that particular result. However, it is important to note that our system has processed the information and has done the necessary work to try to produce the desired result.

      Therefore, even if the generated result does not meet the Client's expectations or if the system does not provide the content due to the established ethical filters, the cost of the service will apply. This is justified as there has been a real processing of the information incorporated by the Client in the execution of the service, therefore using our resources to try to generate a response.

    9. Invoice issuance
    10. If the Client wishes to receive an invoice for the contracted services, he must indicate it to the Company and provide the necessary information for its issuance. It is the customer's responsibility to inform us promptly and accurately of any tax requirements or additional information necessary for the issuance of the requested invoice.

    11. Right of withdrawal
    12. When the Client holds the status of consumer, he may exercise his right of withdrawal, provided for in the applicable legislation, during the period of fourteen days following the date of contracting.

      The company will have a period of 14 calendar days to return to the Client the amounts paid in his Client account and not consumed.

    13. Returns and refunds
    14. Returns will not be processed in cases in which the error, failure or non-observance of these conditions is attributable to the Client, such as misuse of the platform, technical problems caused by your equipment or Internet connection, or any other action. or negligence on the part of the Client that affects the correct functioning of our platform.

      In those cases in which the error or failure is attributable to our platform, we will evaluate each return request individually. If we determine that the return is appropriate, the client will receive the corresponding amount in their Client account.

      If at any time the Client wishes to request a refund of the available balance in his account, we undertake to process this request in accordance with the following conditions:

      Refunds will only be made on the available balance in the Client's account.

      We reserve the right to assess each refund request on an individual basis. If we determine that the refund is appropriate, we promise to process it within a reasonable time.

    15. Promotional actions
    16. In the case of carrying out promotional actions, the conditions by which they will be governed, may be consulted on the Website.

  8. Obligations of the client
  9. The user agrees to use the service in accordance with the contract conditions including these general conditions, and, in any case, in respect of the rights of third parties, the law, and public order, as well as to refrain from using the service. for illegal purposes. The company reserves the right to adopt the measures it deems appropriate in the event that there are indications of fraudulent use of the service, including the adoption of the appropriate legal actions.

    Customers who voluntarily register on the website must provide truthful information that allows customer identification, the company's internal procedures, and prevent any fraudulent situation. We reserve the right to cancel a client registration if it is detected that the registered data is not correct. These data may refer to email, telephone, name and surname.

    The client, to the extent possible, must keep the data in their registration updated. These changes can be made effective by contacting our customer service, or from the personal user area, available on our platform.

    The customer is solely responsible for the proper custody, preservation and use of their username and password. Any person who enters a valid username and password will be, under the terms described in this condition, duly legitimized for their use before the company in any operation in which they may be used. In case of loss or misplacement, or if you suspect that the security of your access data may have been compromised, you should contact our customer service so that we can provide you with new access data.

    The Client must use our services in an appropriate, ethical and legal manner. He understands that our intent is to provide relevant and valuable solutions.

    The use of our services to generate content that is offensive, discriminatory, illegal or that infringes the rights of third parties is not allowed.

  10. Obligations of the company
  11. The website will be available without interruption. There may be anomalies or interruptions in the availability or operation of the service, due to causes not attributable to the company. In such an event, the company will make its best efforts to solve the anomaly within 48 hours of identifying the incident.

    The company will publish on the website information about the services offered, its characteristics, possible limitations or exclusions, costs, deadlines and delivery method.

    To resolve any question or incident related to the service, or to present claims in the use of the service, the company makes available to the client a contact form available on the Website.

  12. Modifications in the service
  13. The Company expressly reserves the right to make, at any time, any changes or modifications it deems necessary on the website, in the way services are provided, in the image, in the forms, in the prices and invoicing methods, in these General Conditions or in any other aspect of the service.

  14. Limitation and/or exclusion of guarantees and liability

    For the interruption, suspension or cancellation of access to the website, as well as for availability and continuity of the operation of the site or of the services and/or contents therein, when this is due to a cause beyond the scope of control of the company , whether it comes directly or indirectly from it.

    The Website may contain hyperlinks or references that link to the activities of third parties. The company is not responsible for the content, materials, services or any other element of third parties.

    1. Results offered in the execution of services
    2. Our platform provides automatically generated results based on the data and parameters provided by the user.

      The accuracy, suitability and reliability of the results generated may vary and depend on various factors, including the quality of the data entered and the inherent limitations of Artificial Intelligence technology.

      It is important to note that the results generated by our platform are provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as professional, legal, medical or other specialized advice.

      The client assumes all responsibility derived from the use of the generated content and undertakes to comply with the applicable laws and regulations.

    3. Use of judgment and own criteria
    4. When using the results generated by our platform, we strongly recommend that you apply your own judgment and judgment before making any decision or action based on such results.

      You take responsibility for critically evaluating the results generated and for considering their applicability and accuracy in your specific context.

      We are not responsible for the consequences derived from the direct or indirect use of the results generated without applying your own judgment, criteria or professional advice.

      The model can provide useful information, but it is always advisable to consult other sources and experts before making any critical decisions.

  15. Industrial and Intellectual Property of the platform and the Website
  16. All the contents of the website (including but not limited to, databases, texts, trademarks, trade names, logos, distinctive signs, images, videos, designs, page structure, etc.) are owned by the company.

    The use of the website does not grant clients any right of exploitation of any kind or their ownership of its contents, nor their intellectual and/or industrial property.

    1. Industrial and Intellectual Property of the generated content
    2. By using our services, the Client acknowledges and accepts that the content generated is the exclusive property of the Company or the relevant content providers, with which the Company has entered into a commercial relationship.

      The Company grants the Client a non-exclusive, non-transferable and limited license to use the content generated through our platform.

      This license allows Customer to use, copy, modify, and distribute the generated content for personal, commercial, and non-exclusive purposes.

      The client assumes all responsibility derived from the use of the generated content and undertakes to comply with the applicable laws and regulations.

  17. Confidentiality and Publicity
  18. The company undertakes, in the terms authorized by law, to permanently observe absolute confidentiality in all the information it receives during the provision of its services, provided that the client does not allow its disclosure.

    The parties exclude from the category of confidential information all information that is disclosed to third parties by the party that possesses it, that which becomes public, that which must be disclosed in accordance with the law or with a judicial resolution or imperative act. of competent authority and that which is obtained by a third party that is not under any obligation of confidentiality.

    The company may mention the name of its clients and the service it provides, in presentations it makes to third parties, in order to prove their experience in said activities, with the express approval of the client.

  19. Data protection
  20. In accordance with the provisions of REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of April 27, 2016 regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data and by which Directive 95/46/CE (hereinafter, “GDPR”) and Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights (hereinafter, "LOPDGDD"), all personal data provided while using the website will be treated in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy Policy available on the website.

  21. Notifications
  22. The client expressly accepts that the company can make all notifications regarding the contract, the contracting process and the provision of the service, electronically, mainly to the email provided by the client.

  23. Applicable law
  24. The legislation applicable to the contracted services is Spanish and in the event of a dispute between the company and a client, it will be exclusively subject to the jurisdiction of the Spanish Courts.